
Glor launch autumn programme

WHETHER it is comedy or classical music, there is something for everybody at Glor this autumn.

Comedian Pat Shortt will bring his brand new show “You Won’t Get Away With That Here” to Ennis.

It will run from November 3-5. Des Bishop will also be dropping by as will Irish comedian Connor Gallen who will appear on September 1.

For the past 4 years, Glor has attract- ed some of the top names in the music industry to Ennis.

This autumn is no different.

One of America’s foremost singer songwriters John Prine will play Glor on November 11.

Other big names to appear will be Damien Dempsey, John Spillane, Flook, and Bell X1.

Highly rated Dublin outfit “the Gug- genheim Grotto’ will perform their first headline show in Glor in September.

Clive Barnes will join veteran per- former Freddie White on September 2.

The inimitable Furey Brothers featur- ing Davey Arthur, Grada and Noelie McDonnell complete an eclectic musi- oF bDatest lop

Classical tastes will also be catered for with an extensive musical progamme.

Flautist Carol McGonnell will be joined by pianist Finghin Collins and

Catherine Leonard on the violin in Sep- tember.

Ballet Ireland return in November, when they perform “Diaghiliev and The Red Shoes’ as a tribute to Ballet Russe.

One of the highlights of the program me is sure to be a performance by U.K. theatre company ‘Fidget Feet’ on Sep- tember 2.

Combining elements of circus, dance and aerial acrobatics, it promises to be a dazzling display.

The simmering tensions of New Or- leans will be brought to the stage when the Keegan theatre group perform “A Streetcar Named Desire” in late Sep- tember.

Clare-based theatre group ‘Brion- gloid’ open the theatre season with ‘Failte Romhat a Mhairtin’ and “Dun na mBan tri Thine’.

Other highlights include, London Classic Theatre’s production of Hugh Leonard’s “Love in the Title’ and Blue Raincoat Theatre Company’s “the Bald Soprano’.

Glor’s ever-popular film club, returns on September 18.

As always the programme includes the very best in English and foreign lan- guage cinema.

The season kicks have with ‘My Sum- mer of Love’ and continues with *Vodka Lemmon’ and slick Hungarian thriller, ‘Kontrol’.


Vierchants urge council response

FURIOUS traders in the Merchants Quay area of Ennis are demanding that something be done to improve the upkeep of the area.

They claim that the cobblestone streets are unsafe and have been the cause of accidents. Indeed Ennis Town Council has refused to col- lect rubbish in the area as they also consider is a safety issue with the cobblestone streets. As there is no refuse service for residents living in apartments, rubbish is often dumped in the streets. The overall poor con- dition of the area, traders believe, has led to a downturn in trade and in some instances has forced some businessess to close down.

In May 2001 Ennis Town Council, stated in a letter to solicitors acting on behalf of the traders, that there was safety issues to be resolved in relation to the cobblestreet surface. Mr Desmond Houlihan who is the developer of Merchants Quay, in- dicated to the council the situation would be rectified and that he no longer wished the council to take the scheme into its charge. Local trad- ers point out that very little has been done in the interveening period.

Despite paying rates to both the council and the developer they say

no services are being provided to Weloveee

In 2003 traders were served with enforcement notices for non-compli- ance with planning conditions at- tatched to the granting of planning permission in 1991, by Ennis Town Council. Both the traders and the

developer were threatened with legal action if they failed to comply with the notices. Since these notices were sent out no action has been taken. Traders feel they are being vic- timised as the planning conditions were laid out in 1991 and they only signed the leases for the premises

in 1996. Tony Muffett is the owner of “Patricias International Fashions’ in Merchants Quay which is due to close down.

‘ T ask the question that why is it that the enforcement notice was is- sued in 2003, we are now in 2005 and no action has been taken against the developer by the enforcement section of Clare County Council” he said on Thursday.

He went onto add that the poor condition of the area “is causing a blighting of the street. It 1s expen- sive enough with rates. We are being forced to pay the council and they won’t even come down the street as they consider there is a safety 1s- sue with it. The rubbish overhead 1s being deposited on the streets and somebody needs to take action”’.

The Mayor of Ennis, Frankie Ney- lon, has called on Mr. Houlihan to hold discussions with the traders.

“T would be expecting Mr Houli- han, being the landlord would sit down with the traders. They are the people who are paying the rents and who have the leases. If their busi- nesses aren’t successful there is only one way to go and that is to leave. That would be a huge problem for the centre of the town and I wouldn’t like to see it happen” said Cllr Ney- lon.



, which formed part of Shannon De- velopment’s proposed 10 year plan from 2005 to 2015 lodged with the Minister, the company sought to develop an At- lantic Economic zone that added Galway city and county to the current area it had responsibility for.

Instead of adopting the plan, Minister Micheal Martin has withdrawn any re- maining enterprise activities operated by Shannon Development, while its tourism promotion activities may also face the chop in a government shake-up of the structures promoting Irish tourism.

In a proposed new mandate for the

company, the company will be given an enhanced, though undefined, regional economic development role with a spe- cific emphasis on addressing the needs of the less developed parts of the Shannon Korea) 0F

Unions at Shannon Development, SIP- TU and the National Union of Journal- ists (NUJ) have agreed not to co-oper- ate with changes to bring about the new rn atW NOEs Kom

In the plan put forward the Board of Shannon Development, the company states that by 2015, it will have attracted an additional two million visitors per an- num, three million passengers through Shannon and Galway airports, along with an additional 25,000 tonnes in freight per annum.

It also states that Shannon will have 40 global destinations by 2015, while output per person will be 100% of the nation- al average and there will be pervasive broadband across the region.

Other highlights of the company’s plan include an international trade centre and international casino in the Limerick/ Shannon area; an international health

clinic in Limerick and a bio-pharma project in Limerick county.

The plan also envisages the establish- ment of an agile logistics hub at Shannon and a series of Burren initiatives, along with other tourism initiatives around Clare.

The company describes its 10 year plan as “an uncompromising drive’ to make sure that the Atlantic Economic Zone 1s recognised as one of the most forward- thinking and exciting regions in the world for people, investors and visitors.

Shannon Development stated that it would use the company’s asset base – without recourse to the Exchequer – to deliver an Atlantic Development Fund of €200m (over ten years) to finance eco- nomic infrastructure, seed strategic flag- ship projects and invest in commercial activities which will replenish the fund.

On the benefits of the plan, the docu- ment states that for people, it will offer challenging work opportunities; high quality of life, global connectivity and an integrated internal transport system, world class services and excellent educa- tional institutions.


On the spot fines imposed

SUCCESSFUL prosecutions have been brought under the Litter Pollution Act against a Shannon- based company and a Cratloe couple.

Mid-West Tyres Ltd, Trading as Mid-West Tyres and Batteries Smithstown Industrial Estate, Shan- non, were fined €200 at Shannon District court on July 21 for a breach of the act.

The court heard that a notice bearing the com- pany name, details and the services it offers was posted on an ESB pole in Shannon Town Centre on March 7 of this year.

After hearing the evidence, Judge Joseph Man- gan ordered the company to pay the fine within one


In a separate matter, Thomas and Siobhan Glee- son of Pigeon Hill in Cratloe pleaded guilty in the Shannon court to a breach of the Litter Pollution ae

The offence took place on April 26 at Portdrine in Cratloe. The court heard that an inspector who went to the site owned by the Gleesons found rub- bish burning on the site.

The defendants did not hold a waste licence, the court was told.

Judge Mangan fined each of the defendants €50 and awarded costs against them, totalling €750 Crea e


West Clare’s space hero

HAVING already cele- loye-1 Kore Mec Merey et elecersCeyeMmyaine| the man that captured Sadam Hussein, there was further excitement this week when it was discovered that the pilot of the Discovery Shuttle is of West Clare origin.

Space hero Eileen Col- lins 1s proud of her Irish heritage. The 49-year- old’s grandmother Marie Reidy emigrated from West Clare and settled in a railroad town of Elmira decades ago.

She later married a man named Collins from Cork.

Two generations in 1956 Eileen was born.

Although Eileen was 19 years of age before she was even on a plane, she became the American Air Force’s first female test pilot.

“Eileen Collins is sim- ply the best commander we have,” Nasa senior as- tronaut told Good Morn- ing America.

On ‘Tuesday last she proved her extraordinary ability when she safely guided the spacecraft STS 114, better known as Discovery, to Earth.

Although travelling at 18 times the speed of light, this mother of two

does not believe what she does is dangerous.

““T think it is much safer than what my Irish ances- tors did, travelling across the Athlantic Ocean in a leaky old ship,” she told an Irish American maga- zine.

During her time in the military she earned the rank of lieutenant colonel and several services med- als, but always dreamt of joining the space pro- eramme.

Finally, after 12 years in the army, Nasa invited Eileen to be its first fe- male pilot in 1990.

The rest 1s Space his- Ke) ars


Double bypass boost for GAMA

GAMA Construction Ltd this week received a double boost in its plans to progress the €190 million Ennis bypass, by securing planning per- mission for two quarries to serve the project.

Clare County Council granted planning to the Turkish company, in spite of Department of the Environ- ment concerns over the impact that one of the quarries might have on ie uom Oye 1 ic

The quarry at Knockanean is lo- cated between two bat roosts, includ- ing the ‘secret’ €100,000 bat-house on the route.

However, a bat survey carried out

by Inis Environmental Services did not detect the presence of the pro- tected Lesser Horseshoe Bat in the area.

The planner ruling on the case, found that the impact of the quarry on bats was not considered signifi- cant if all the mitigation measures were put in place.

The Council ruled that in relation to the nature and scale of the propos- al and the intended use of the lands, the proposal would not seriously in- jure the amenities of the area.

There are 27 houses within 500 metres of the proposed quarry. Lo- cal man, PJ Williams lodged an ob- jection against the proposal. He told the council, “I operate a stud-farm

close-by and I will hold the Council responsible for any damage, injury to

animals or loss, if planning permis- sion 1s granted.

The Department of the Environ- ment claims the cumulative impact of the three quarries currently before the council will impact on the local environment.

However, in the case of the Knock- anean proposal, the council’s plan- ner concluded, “it is considered that as the proposal is for a temporary quarrying activity required to facili- tate the completion of a major infra- structural project for the county and for the wider western corridor, it 1s broadly acceptable in principle.”

A spokesman for GAMA Construc- tion Ireland Ltd said would proceed taking all of the planning conditions

made by Clare County Council into account.

Howard Williams, senior consult- ant with Inis Environmental Serv- ices said, “the strict planning con- ditions that have been imposed will ensure that this development will be managed in an environmentally friendly way.

‘However it is felt that to impose a €56,024 fee for use of public infra- structure and facilities benefiting the development is excessive as no pub- lic roads or any other infrastructure will be used.”

A council decision on the third quarry 1s expected later this month.


before death crasn

A PRELIMINARY report of the cir- cumstances surrounding a_ helicopter crash last month in south Galway, which claimed the lives of two businessmen, has revealed that the aircraft’s “speed reduced significantly” prior to the col- lision, in the Slieve Aughty Mountains near Gort.

Data from the aircraft radar at Shan- non confirmed that the helicopter main- tained its track while passing over the mountains near Derrybrien at 10.45am on Saturday, July 9. However, according to the initial report of the Air Accident Investigation Unit of the Department of Transport, the helicopter’s speed re- duced significantly, after “the final ra- dar returns showed a sharp turn to the right and the signal then disappeared.”

Two Galway businessman, publican Mark Reilly and Damien Bergin who was involved in the construction indus- try, died in hospital following the crash. A third man was seriously injured. The three were returning to the helicopter’s base near Galway Airport, having spent the night in New Ross, Co Wexford.

The investigation has also established

that shortly before the accident, pilot Damien Bergin was in radio commu- nication with another helicopter at Gal- way airport. According to the AAIU, the call was routine in nature, but was the last known communication from the helicopter.

It has also been confirmed that Dam- ien Bergin used a mobile phone to raise the alarm as he lay fatally injured in the wreckage. Two Galway-based helicop- ters flew to the scene following the call, as did the Shannon-based Irish Coast- guard chopper and ground-based emer- gency services. The casualties were located and evacuated to hospital about one hour after the accident, the report SP HKG

A preliminary examination of the helicopter wreckage showed no evi- dence of pre-impact failure, although there were several reports received by the investigation team indicating poor visibility and low cloud in the area at the time of the accident.

The Air Accident Investigation Unit probe into the crash is continuing and the unit has yet to publish a full report.


Electoral register CET M ET

that work is beginning next week on the draft register for 2006 and AU UTE

Through an _ adver-

tisement campaign, the council will be asking new voters, or people who have changed ad- dress, to fill out a form and inform the council.

Approximately fifteen council staff have special responsibilities for keep- ing the register updated and for eliminating the deceased from the list of voters.

“We have field workers who try to ensure that it 1s as accurate as possible,’ said Mr McNamara.

He said the onus was also on people to inform the council of any chang- es to addresses or names.

“It is now timely to ask people to check the regis- ter and inform us if they notice any duplications or omissions,” he said.


Cet tea

LOCAL residents in Gaurus, on the outskirts of Ennis, have railed against plans to construct a €40 million housing development in the area.

Earlier this year, William McGrath and Frank Stackpoole lodged plans to construct 132 semi-detached, 70 terraced and seven detached homes in the Gaurus area, which is located in the Doora-Barefield parish.

However, following a public meet- ing at the Fahy Hall, the residents have come together to lodge a stri-

dent objection against the plan.

They state: “The density of hous- ing proposed for this development is inappropriate to an edge of town location, where sufficient land has been zoned to allow for sustainable growth in the area for the next 10 years.

“A high density development in this area would lead to the destruc- tion of the residential amenities cur- rently being enjoyed by home owners in the area.

“The land is zoned as ‘other settle- ment land’ where any development should by definition “conserve and

enhance the quality and character of the area, to protect residential amen- ity and allow for development appro- priate to the sustainable growth of the settlement.

“The proposed high density de- velopment would contravene this requirement in a rural area charac- terised by low density development and single dwellings.

‘All houses on this road are cur- rently bungalows or dormer. The proposed site of two-storey houses are out of character with the area and in the case of single dwellings bor- dering the proposed development,

will lead to the destruction of their privacy.

“The development is proposed on land immediately beside a lake and its immediate surroundings are rural in nature. A housing development of this size would likely have a negative impact on the environment/wildlife/ plantlife in the vicinity. Immediately adjacent to a Special Area of Con- servation, the development may pose an ecological risk to this area, espe- cially given the increase in housing developments close by and proposed housing developments already.

“The local county road network

is defective in width, alignment and junction standard to service a de- velopment of this scale. Access to the Ennis by-pass will be via Gau- rus Bridge, already a_ bottle-neck and Ballymacahill Cross, traversing three junctions with sub-standard sight-lines. Access to the Quin road is via a dangerous cross-road with a high accident rate due to poor vis- ibility and excessive speed

The developers have scaled down their proposal in response to a fur- ther information request and a deci- sion is expected on the application JE TKomaavtcwmastevelsen


Council accused NEYO R SUC eh

CLARE County Council has been ac- cused of engaging in an abuse of proc- ess in its bid to compulsory purchase land for a new €25 million waste wa- ter treatment plant for Ennis.

The charge comes from land-owner, Peter Anthony Liddy who has joined the Diocese of Killaloe in lodging a formal objection to the Compulsory Purchase Order (CPO) for the scheme.

Mr Liddy’s hard-hitting objection stems from the Council not seeking to acquire lands it will sterilize for any future development as it 1s designating the lands as a buffer zone around the waste water treatment plant proposed for Clareabbey.

In his objection, Mr Liddy describes the Council’s CPO as “ill-conceived, uninformed and premature”.

His objection states: “It now tran- spires that the Council now only in- tends to CPO part only of the lands it initially agreed to purchase and now also wished to place a buffer zone over most of what remains, thereby steriliz- ing the same.

“The piece of land not being com-

pulsory acquired by the Council is of virtually no value to our client as it is of no economic, commercial or agri- cultural value.

“We would suggest the Council is now attempting to acquire not only the lands which it initially agreed to pur- chase, but is in essence, acquiring the whole lot as a result of the imposition of this buffer zone over most of the re- mains of Mr Liddy’s property.”

“By doing this, the Council finds that the acquiring costs will be halved, but the net benefit to the Council will be the same as if they purchased all of our client’s lands. We would suggest that this is a complete abuse of process and will not be tolerated by Mr Liddy.

Meanwhile the Diocese of Killaloe this week sought to distance itself from the contents of the objection lodged in its name to the CPO.

The diocese — prior to selling the lands to a developer in June — did lodge an objection, but only against the 1m- position of a buffer zone around the waste water treatment plant. However, the new owner has lodged a revised ob- jection, listing a number of grounds in the letter to An Bord Pleanala.