
Network meeting

This article is from page 10 of the 2007-06-05 edition of The Clare People. OCR mistakes are to be expected so download the original SWF or the rendered page 10 JPG

A NEW organisation of Clare wom- en in business is aiming to help re- dress some of the historic problems faced by women in their profession- al capacity.

The Clare branch of Network ORE VICeRMAWYeb Cel eMay c-Kenol Mn tlOmsDImyaNe Ure will host its third meeting in the Old Ground Hotel tomorrow evening.

The group operates through a mixture of networking and mentor- ing, with the ultimate aim of helping more females reach their business potential.

“Women understand what it is like to be in business, they are great multitaskers and it is nice to meet with people who face the same chal- lenges as we do in the workplace,” said chairwoman, Sarah Malone.

‘A company works best when there

is a mixture of men and women. Is- sues such as childcare and leave can effect how far a woman can rise in the workplace. It is a very difficult situation.

“We need more childcare and more affordable childcare, it is one of our key issues.”

In the wake of the general elec- tion, the organisation presented each Government department with a list of qualified women willing it sit on the boards of State organisa- tions.

Tomorrow’s meeting will be ad- dressed by Hilary O’Carroll from The Image Factor and Clare woman Dorinda Bourke, who will speak about her business, Fab Shape.

The meeting takes place tomor- row evening, June 6, from 8pm. En- trance 1s free for members and €10 for non-members.

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