
Clare gears up for a seisiun

This article is from page 12 of the 2007-07-03 edition of The Clare People. OCR mistakes are to be expected so download the original SWF or the rendered page 12 JPG

A FEAST of traditional music, song and dance will kick off this week when Comhaltas Ceoltoiri Eireann beings a Series of seisiun all over the county.

Seisiun 1s a music trail through all four Provinces of Ireland where the visitor can join with local traditional musicians, singers, dancers and sto- rytellers for an evening of native en- tertainment. In the seven years since its highly successful re-introduc- tion in 2000, Seisiun has gone from

strength to strength and continues to entertain and delight audiences both visitors and locals alike.

In Clare there are four venues of- fering plenty of traditional enter- tainment most nights of the week throughout July and August.

In Ennis, on Tuesday and Satur- day nights, Cois na hAbhana will be the venue for music and dance. Teach Cheoil in Ennistymon will host events on Monday nights start- ing July 16, while Teach Cheoil in Corofin will run events on Thursday nights. On Wednesday nights Teach

Cheoil in Kilrush will be the venue for a lively seisiun.

For further information on seisiun in Ennis contact Frank Whelan on 086— §260300 or email ceoltrad@eircom. net. For information on events in En- nistymon telephone John Moloney on 065—7071467. In Kilrush telephone Siobhan Curran on 065—9052821 and for Comhaltas venues in Corofin contact Peggy Liddy on 065-6837762 or 065—6837676. Alternatively, you can go online for information on all the venues around Clare and nation- ally at

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