PUPILS from Scoil Chriost Ri, Cloughleigh, will be among thou- sands from around the world taking part in World Maths Day tomorrow (Wednesday, March 3).
Pupils from the Ennis school, who have been regular participants in World Maths Day, are busy sharpen- ing their maths skills ahead of the worldwide event.
World Maths Day is all about get- ting students to unite together. A global event, organisers say that World Maths Day 1s a fantastic op- portunity to be a part of something special. The World Maths Day team have been so impressed by the efforts of schools in 2009, they have decided to create a limited number of World Maths Day roving reporters.
Scoul Chriost Ri’s proud record in the event has seen first class pupil Maurice Abdulla being chosen to take on one of these roles.
Essentially the roving reporters will be tasked with writing a news report about World Maths Day at their school. These reports can be as creative as the student wishes and will be collated with the best ones being published online for all to see.
Each maths game is a series of one-minute quick fire mental maths questions, with four children from anywhere in the world competing against each other in each game.
All classes in Scoil Chriost Ri will be competing in the challenge and the target for this year is to answer over 100,000 maths questions in 48
Pupils can also log in at home and take on students from around the world. The challenge is to answer as many maths questions as possible during that time and to try and beat last year’s record of 64,568 correct answers.
A unique feature of World Maths Day is that it runs for 48 hours once it
is March 3 somewhere in the world.
Gearoid Roughan, learning sup- port teacher at Scoil Chriost Ri, ex- plained the school has been a regular participant in the event. He said the students were looking forward to once again taking part.
“It’s for schools from all over the world. The school (Scoil Chriost Ri) has taking part for a few years. This
year they have introduced a new fea- ture where one student is designated a World Maths Day reporter. One of the pupils here will be a reporter for the day,” explained Gearoid.